Photo courtesy of, and copyrighted by, Gene White, pmimages@earthlink.net
If you are proud of the termite control services you and your company offer, please tell us more about how you help stop these pests from inflicting hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages on your customers’ structures. We want to hear from you!
As Pest Management Professional (PMP) prepares for the upcoming annual Termite Management feature, we are seeking pros who can tell us more about how they manage termites for their customers.
No matter where in the country you are located, no matter how large or small your company, we want to learn more about your termite management experiences. Please take a few minutes to complete our annual Termite Management Survey here, by providing your confidential feedback and sharing your expertise.
To reward you for your time, you will have a chance to win one of two $25 gift cards or a $50 gift card if you include your contact information at the beginning of the survey.
Please take our Termite Management Survey now to be part of our upcoming January 2020 termite management coverage. Thank you in advance for sharing your termite control expertise.
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