Choosing new technology for a pest control business can be overwhelming.The National Pest Management Association’s (NPMA’s) 2019 Technology Summit gave pest management professionals (PMPs) the unique opportunity to learn about the latest innovative solutions from their peers, speakers and exhibitors.
The conference, which started Dec. 3 and continued through Dec. 6 the Georgia Tech Conference Center in Atlanta, focused on technology-related topics, products and services geared to pest management. It also featured speakers who are technology influencers inside and outside the pest management industry.
Attendees had the opportunity to learn from speakers whose presentations ranged from social media solutions to video marketing to employee retention to data security. The event’s format was geared to attendees eager to learn from each other as well. Roundtable discussions and extensive question-and-answer periods encouraged PMPs to share their tips and best practices with each other.
“On a scale of one to 10, what is your ability to adapt to change,” asked Tom Morrison, the Technology Summit’s first speaker. “You cannot have people working at your company who are afraid of change.” The topic of the presentation by the life coach, author and association executive was titled “When Uberization Collides with your Industry.” Uberization is happening for every industry, he said. Explaining that the number of Uber rides in 2014 was 173 million but by 2017, had climbed to 4 billion drove home his point: Quit planning for a future you cannot predict, and figure out where your disruption is lurking.
A presentation led by Jen Blondo, VP, Finance & Efficiency, American Pest, Fulton, Md., and Ari Rogoway, director of IT, Sprague Pest Solutions, Tacoma, Wash., provided attendees with recommendations on applications that improve efficiency and communication. Those present for “Office Automation: Using Technology to Streamline Office Processes and Communication” walked away with the names of too many solutions to mention here. Rogoway said at Sprague, technology is key because the company believes in growing. New hires undergo formal training to learn some of the tools the company has implemented. Blondo advised asking your company’s power users to try out the programs you want to implement first.
Video marketing was the subject of a presentation by Jeff King, president of The Pest Rangers in Hanover Township, Pa. “Video is critical to your company strategy because it is snack-sized, memorable and measure,” he explained. Consumers use a variety of methods to research their options, including video. He advised using videos that explain the services you offer because that’s what customers want to see.
Author Corey Perlman’s presentation on “Social Media Overload” advised attendees to focus on the social media platforms their customers use. “Make it as easy as possible for customers to go from researcher to buyer,” he said. During his presentation, Perlman asked attendees to pull out their smartphones, look up their company websites and scroll through the content, just as customers do. He then recommended changes be made to those sites that were difficult to navigate. He also offered solid advice on how to handle online reviews and effective ways to boost referrals.
An exhibit area allowed attendees to learn more about technology companies that offer solutions for those in the pest control industry. In addition, user group training was held on Dec. 4, before the event kicked off. These sessions were presented by ServicePro, Insects Limited and Bell Laboratories. ServicePro served as Platinum sponsor of the Technology Summit.
Click on each photo below to enlarge.
- Day two general session presenter Cory Perlman offered an engaging and informative discussion on social media strategies every company should adopt. Photo: Diane Sofranec
- National Pest Management Association’s CEO Dominique Stumpf and President Chris Gorecki get into the holiday spirit at one of Georgia Tech Conference Center’s many Christmas trees on display. Photo: Diane Sofranec
- Bug Busters’ Court Parker was part of a panel that discussed employee engagement and retention. Photo: Diane Sofranec
- Elizabeth Abel of Abell Pest Control was part of a panel that discussed employee engagement and retention. Photo: Diane Sofranec
- ABC Pest & Commercial Services’s Julie Fredlund was part of a panel that discussed employee engagement and retention. Photo: Diane Sofranec
- The Pest Rangers’ Jeff King shared how his company uses video to attract and engage customers. Photo: Diane Sofranec
- Ashley Heavrin shared how American Pest analyzes the data it collects to make informed business decisions. Photo: Diane Sofranec
- Tim Fredlund of ABC Home & Commercial Services gave a presentation about data security and compliance that included cautionary tales. Photo: Diane Sofranec
- Sprague Pest Solutions’ Ari Rogoway presented tips on the use of cameras when servicing rodent accounts. Photo: Diane Sofranec
- Plunkett’s Pest Control’s Sean O’Donnel talked about his experiences with smart traps. Photo: Diane Sofranec
- John Crouch of ABC Pest & Commercial Services discussed key performance indicators gathered from phone data. Photo: Diane Sofranec
- The National Pest Management Association’s 2019 Technology Summit kicked off Dec. 4 in Atlanta, Ga. Photo: Diane Sofranec
- Ethan Estabrook, BCE, showcases Insects Limited Inc.’s latest offerings. Photo: Diane Sofranec
- Polti’s Tommaso Garavaglia shows off the Polti Cimex Eradicator, a bed bug steamer specifically for pest management professionals. Photo: Diane Sofranec
- Madi Marsteller and Ben Schreiber of Corteva Agriscience were on hand to discuss the company’s ActiveSense remote monitoring system. Photo: Diane Sofranec
- Bell Laboratories’ Beth Cuevas and Brian Hensel showcased the company’s new iQ product line powered by Bell Sensing Technologies. Photo: Diane Sofranec
- Bayer’s Scott Broaddus showcased the company’s Rodent Monitoring System. Photo: Diane Sofranec
- Ka Tsu of ServicePro, Platinum sponsor of the 2019 Technology Summit, in the exhibit hall. Photo: Diane Sofranec
- Logan Jarvis of PestRoutes was on hand to explain how the company’s software helps make technicians more efficient. Photo: Diane Sofranec
- Chris Huntsman of Slingshot, which offers a solution for engaging leads, increasing close rates and improving the overall customer experience. Photo: Diane Sofranec
- PestWest’s Dr. Stuart “Doc” Mitchell was on hand to discuss the company’s FlyDetect solution. Photo: Diane Sofranec
- FreshLime’s Keith Manley showcased the customer data platform designed to increase customer retention. Photo: Diane Sofranec
- Debbie Hughes and Chip Hughes of, which helps pest control companies maintain current pesticide labels and Safety Data Sheets. Photo: Diane Sofranec
- ServicePro’s Andy Deering introduced the general session speaker on day one. The company is the Platinum sponsor of the event. Photo: Diane Sofranec
- Tom Morrison, author, association CEO and life coach and day one general session speaker, discussed how to handle “extreme disruption” in business. Photo: Diane Sofranec
- Technology Summit attendees participate in roundtable discussions during the first general session. Photo: Diane Sofranec
- Sprague Pest Solution’s Ari Rogoway discussed during the Office Automation educational session the many ways the company uses technology to work smarter. Photo: Diane Sofranec
- Listen360’s Austin Andrews was on hand to share how the software helps businesses collect feedback and engage customers. Photo: Diane Sofranec
- American Pest’s Jen Blondo presented at the Office Automation educational session how her company uses technology for day-to-day tasks. Photo: Diane Sofranec
- Every company exhibiting at the 2019 Technology Summit offered technology-related products and services. Photo: Diane Sofranec
- Key 7 Software’s Brian Beaty and Helon Baldone showcased the company’s offerings in the exhibit area. Photo: Diane Sofranec
- Chris Pham, mobile development manager for Evolve, showcased the company’s services. Photo: Diane Sofranec
- The exhibit hall included a variety of technology service companies, including Voice for Pest. Photo: Diane Sofranec
- Debbie Hughes of chats with a fellow service supplier during exhibit hours. Photo: Diane Sofranec
- Eric Smart of Atmox, which provides controlled ventilation systems for attics and crawlspaces. Photo: Diane Sofranec
- Text Request’s Dean Elrod was on hand to explain how text messaging can benefit pest control businesses. Photo: Diane Sofranec
- Kevin Cantwell and Kelly Cantwell of Hire Success, which offers a pre-employment testing solution designed to identify top job candidates. a company that Photo: Diane Sofranec
- SDSI’s Doug Keenan displays the company’s mobile solutions geared to pest control technicians in the field. Photo: Diane Sofranec
Read more about the purpose of the event: NPMA Technology Summit explores evolving technology
The Platinum Sponsor of the NPMA 2019 Technology Summit is ServicePro.
Learn more about the speakers:

Tom Morrison, Jack Shaw, Corey Perlman
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