At last year’s Legislative Day event, NPMA VP of Public Policy Ashley Amidon moderated a discussion with Rick Santorum, former U.S. Senator (R-Pa.), and Sean Spicer, former White House Press Secretary. PHOTO: DIANE SOFRANEC/PMP
Join the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) and your pest management peers in Washington, D.C. on March 8-10 for Legislative Day 2020. While it’s easy to become inured to the news these days because of the larger debates over Presidential power and foreign policy, beneath these contentious undercurrents is a calmer place, where there is a chance to effect change. The NPMA will walk Capitol Hill in March on two specific issues:
1. Education about our industry is a central tenet of the NPMA Public Policy Strategic Plan, and while it sounds very general, it is critically needed. There is a serious lack of understanding on the Hill about what our industry does. Most Hill staffers do not know about the pesticide approval process under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA); about how our industry is trained or educated; or about how the mechanics of applying pesticide actually works. If we want to proactively protect our industry, education is key. We will educate staffers in the House, the Senate and in both political parties about how our industry protects public health, and we’ll explicitly make the connection between the need for pesticides and the protection of health, food and property. Your experience as a member of this industry will be essential to help overcome barriers of misinformation and ignorance.
2. Federal preemption was something the industry championed as part of a larger public health narrative for the 2018 Farm Bill, but unfortunately, it was not included in the final bill. We must continue to push this issue. While it’s unlikely to pass in 2020, a new Congress in 2021 means a new shot at this issue. If we do not continue to lay groundwork each year, it will never pass. Congress needs to understand that securing federal preemption is necessary for the pest management industry to continue protecting public health. Without it, we will continue to face efforts to roll it back, state by state — necessitating constant fights at the state and local levels. Securing federal preemption would be a huge win for our industry, and we need your help to convince Congress.
NEW FOR 2020
Let the NPMA help you make the most of Legislative Day 2020. It’s easy to be overwhelmed, whether it’s your first time on the Hill or your 100th. To better help you prepare for your visits to the House and/or Senate, the NPMA is introducing for the event:
- One-page handouts that lay out exactly how to request a Hill meeting, complete with script, whether you want to meet with a staffer or a member of Congress.
- A one-page handout on how to conduct a meeting with a group of NPMA members or by yourself.
- One-page handouts on our Legislative Day issues provided in February to all those registered.
- A webinar that will walk attendees through each issue in-depth, in addition to our presentations at Legislative Day.
Legislative Day 2020 sponsors include:
- FMC – Premiere Sponsor
- Bayer
- Control Solutions Inc.
- Corteva
- ServicePro
- Syngenta
You can come to Legislative Day knowing the issues, with your meetings set up and feeling confident that you’re prepared like a pro for every visit. The NPMA needs your voices on the Hill in March, so make your plans to attend today: Register at LegislativeDay.NPMAPestWorld.org.
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