4 spring cleaning tips for cockroaches


March 6, 2020

Mel Whitson, Senior Field Technical Service Manager, Zoëcon Professional Products

Mel Whitson, Senior Field Technical Service Manager, Zoëcon Professional Products

When it comes to controlling cockroaches, maintaining a sanitary interior and applying the right products will provide long residual control throughout the warmer months. “Spring” into action and control cockroaches by following these spring cleaning tips:

  • Remind homeowners of the importance of thoroughly sealing and storing food, as well as eliminating pools of water around leaky faucets or appliances.
  • Carefully inspect attics, basements, garages and crawlspaces — all areas in which homeowners tend to store containers and boxes.
  • Use all the tools in your toolbox, including a vacuum, to help significantly reduce the number of adult and dead cockroaches, egg cases and feces.
  • Because of the long life cycle of cockroaches, using the right products in addition to a good spring cleaning is key to getting the job done. An insect growth regulator (IGR) that translocates into hard-to-treat areas can help.

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