Measure levels of cockroach infestations


March 20, 2020

Craig Martelle, Northeast Sales Manager, J.T. Eaton

Craig Martelle, Northeast Sales Manager, J.T. Eaton

Managing a cockroach population can prove to be difficult in commercial spaces as well as in the home environment. The American (Periplaneta americana), Asian and German species in particular can become well established at an account if the conditions are right.

Sanitation is critical: A thorough inspection will point out the areas that need to be cleaned of oil and grease buildup, and any other areas not looked after by your customers. Using glue traps for monitoring will allow for proper identification and measuring the level of the infestation.

Gel baits, aerosols and dusts may be used all together or separately. These products each have their own modes of action, and it is important for technicians to understand the account and what each material will offer. This will help determine the plan of action to resolve the cockroach issue at hand.

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