Scorpions require out-of-the-box thinking


April 9, 2020

Dr. Janis Reed, BCE, Technical Services Manager, Product Development Team, Control Solutions Inc.

Dr. Janis Reed, BCE, Technical Services Manager, Product Development Team, Control Solutions Inc.

I’ll say it again: Scorpions get no love! As a pest that only infests portions of the country, they often get ignored by most pest management professionals (PMPs). Still, these pests are extremely complex and difficult to control in the areas in which they live.

General pest control outdoors can help reduce prey, but modern insecticides won’t give long-term relief from scorpions. Other tactics must be considered, and normally, scorpions require more out-of-the-box thinking from PMPs. Here are a few tips:

  • Consider after-hours services. Go after dark, use a black light and physically remove as many of the pests as you can. Scorpions fluoresce under black light, making them much easier to find and remove from an environment.
  • Offer exclusion services. This might be an opportunity to not only add a revenue stream, but to better determine how scorpions are gaining access.
  • Don’t neglect treating vertical surfaces. Remember, scorpions are excellent climbers.

As with many pests, scorpions have a unique set of complications, but PMPs face the challenge and work to manage these pests every day.

The basic management techniques for seasoned scorpion fighters are well known: Clean up debris, reduce entry points, caulk where appropriate and reduce ways scorpions can climb to gain access.

Don’t get discouraged when facing these pests, however. They are tough for all who face them.


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