Do look at the environmental factors involved at the customer’s location; they can have an impact on ant control in so many ways.
Do look up. In many cases, ants are either harboring in gutters or entering a structure from something touching the roof.
— David Moore, BCE, Manager, Technical Services, Dodson Pest Control, Lynchburg, Va.
Do enlist the cooperation of clients by way of implementing proper storage and clean-up of foods and beverages.
Do perform a thorough inspection of the exterior perimeter and landscaping to discover sources of colony activity.
Do prepare for the possibility of a nighttime inspection for a better chance of observing the foraging activity of nocturnally active ant species.
— Dr. Gerald Wegner, BCE, Vero Beach, Fla.
Do thoroughly train technicians who understand the why, what, where, when and how of ants in your service area.
Do have a formal treatment strategy in place that incorporates all available tools to manage and control your customers’ ant situations.
Do teach your technicians to provide customers with clear and thorough expectations of your ant treatment process.
— Jason Caiazza, Pest and Wildlife Manager, Pioneer Pest Management, Vancouver, Wash.
Don’t be afraid to ask the customer to change something on the property.
Don’t misidentify the species, because this can cause a ton of pain down the line.
Don’t assume that after the ants are gone, the customer will never experience ants again. Ant populations are fluid and ever-changing.
— David Moore, BCE, Manager, Technical Services, Dodson Pest Control, Lynchburg, Va.
Don’t expect satisfactory results from using the same ant control products for every situation and location.
Don’t use a product without first reading the label to determine whether it is appropriate and legal to the situation.
— Dr. Gerald Wegner, BCE, Vero Beach, Fla.
Don’t assume you are dealing with only one invading ant species.
Don’t let your customer dictate how or where to treat.
— Dan Scott, Owner, The Bug Guy, Springfield, Mo.
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