Mel Whitson, Senior Field Technical Service Manager, Zoëcon Professional Products
All summer, spiders have been trying to find their way into your clients’ homes to escape the heat. To prevent a spider infestation, look for three telltale signs during your initial inspection that one is likely to occur soon, if it hasn’t already:
- Webs, inside and outside the structure. Spider webs vary in appearance, and show up in different locations depending on the species of the spider that spun them.
- Egg sacs. Depending on the species, spider egg sacs can contain anywhere from 10 to thousands of eggs. If you see any spider eggs during your inspection, remove them with a broom or vacuum cleaner.
- Other insects. Spiders enter structures looking for prey, so the presence of other insects entices them to make their way inside. Remind clients to make repairs around the structure to address any spider entry points, such as making sure that doors and windows close properly.
In addition to removing webs and egg sacs, using the right products to control spiders is essential for long-lasting and effective results. For a crack-and-crevice treatment, choose a product with a long residual; apply the solution at entry points such as doors, window casings and eaves. A perimeter application of a broad-spectrum insecticide also can help eliminate insects that act as a spider food source.
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