PMP poll results: Bed bug control challenges


September 9, 2020



All through August in our Buzz Online e-newsletters and throughout our social media platforms, we asked Pest Management Professional (PMP) magazine readers their thoughts on what they consider to be the most challenging aspect of bed bug control. We were inspired, of course, by our panel of expert contributors and PMP Editorial Advisory Board members, who answered this question in our August issue.

With 57 responses total, the poll results are as follows:

  • 70% say customer cooperation
  • 14% say inspections
  • 9% say customer education
  • 7% say tech training

We offered the opportunity for voters to elaborate, if they wanted. Social media comments included:

  • “Attention to details and cleanliness!” — Jason Stone, TNT Exterminating, Akron, Ohio
  • “Not heeding to our preparation standards.” — Jonathan Jargelo, HomePro Pest Control, Markham, Ontario
  • “Sanitation and lack of compliance with instructions.” — Francesca Filice, RATLAB and Humber College professor, Toronto, Ontario

Immerse yourself in more bed bug information in our August issue, where our cover story is “shining a light on bed bug control” via a research roundup and several suppliers weighing in on what’s new, as well as their predictions for the bed bug control segment of professional pest management now and in the future.

Looking ahead to our September issue, which should hit your mailboxes very soon (if it hasn’t already), we asked our panel of experts “Besides inspection, on which aspect of cockroach control should a technician spend the most time?” You can see their responses in the Question of the Month in that issue. But we’re also opening up that question to all readers, on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Or you can take it right here.

Note that we didn’t specify German cockroaches, although that might be top of mind for many readers. (Heck, the accompanying photo shows American cockroaches, just to add a little variety!) Tell us what you think — your responses help shape our coverage in 2021 and beyond.


About the Author

Heather Gooch

Heather Gooch is the editor-in-chief for PMP magazine. She can be reached at or 330-321-9754.

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