The North Carolina Pest Management Association (NCPMA), based in Raleigh, is hosting a series of virtual events for its 2020 fall membership meeting.
Registration is new open for the second event on Tuesday, Sept. 29 at 8 a.m. Eastern. The event is sponsored by Bayer Environmental Science and will focus on cockroach management. Speaker Joe Barile, BCE, is the technical service lead for the Bayer Environmental Science Division’s Pest Management & Public Health Business Group.
Interested pest management professionals (PMPs) can register here.
Another webinar is scheduled to take place Tuesday, Oct. 6 at 8 a.m. Eastern. It will focus on rodents and is sponsored by Forshaw. Registration is not open yet.
The first event was held Sept. 18 sponsored by Target Specialty Products. Speaker Heather King of Target Specialty Products discussed “Ant Biology & Best Management Practices.”
Members of the NCPMA can register for free with a discount code. Contact the association’s executive director, Ashley Amidon, who also currently serves as chief of staff of the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), at ncinfo@pestworld.org for a discount code. Otherwise, interested PMPs who are not members of the NCPMA can pay $10 to register.
To earn credit in North Carolina, each PMP must be able to view on their own device and must use the specific link provided by email. Using the same email for multiple attendees is not permitted. Only PMPs who view this webinar live will be able to receive credit.
The webinar events will be hosted over GoToWebinar.
Earlier this year, the NCPMA announced its slate of board members for 2020-2021. The officers and board members will serve a one-year term ending July 2021.
Founded in 1952, the NCPMA is the trade association representing the professional pest management industry in the Tar Heel State. It promotes the continued cooperation and success of all pest management businesses in North Carolina. NCPMA is the only statewide association dedicated to representing and educating North Carolina’s pest management professionals.
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