Dr. Janis Reed, BCE, Technical Services Manager, Product Development Team, Control Solutions Inc.
Worldwide, fleas are the most important ectoparasite of pets, especially dogs and cats. Yet pest management professionals (PMPs) often are asked to manage infestations that have lingered for weeks, or even months. In that timeframe, populations can grow to epic proportions; the customer rarely understands the sheer number of flea pupae, larvae and eggs that comprise a total population. Therefore, it’s important to include the following in any professional flea management service:
- We recommend PMPs include an insect growth regulator (IGR) with their chosen adulticide.
- Make sure pets or other domestic animals are treated for flea control by a veterinarian.
- The importance of sanitation cannot be overstated: vacuuming indoors and debris removal outdoors.
- Explain to customers why fleas won’t disappear after one service. Fleas will continue to emerge from the pupal casings for some time, and they need to realize that isn’t necessarily a sign of treatment failure.
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