Tips for customers to avoid bed bugs


February 25, 2022

John-Michael Kibrick

John-Michael Kibrick

People often don’t take the threat of bed bugs very seriously — until they have them. By that point, drastic measures usually are required. One of the most common questions asked of pest management professionals is, “How can we avoid getting bed bugs ever again?” To conclude your work properly and offer customers a little extra added value, give them the following tips:

  • Check regularly for bed bugs. Caught early enough, it’s possible that a full-blown infestation can be prevented.
  • Avoid used and antique items like furniture and books. If it’s a must, check for bed bugs before purchase.
  • Vacuum regularly. This includes underneath furniture and in other spots that might easily be overlooked.
  • Seal unnecessary bed bug entry points. This includes piping holes and where electrical wires enter.
  • Keep on top of household maintenance. This includes keeping clutter to a minimum and repairing or removing peeling wallpaper, for example.


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John-Michael Kibrick is a staff writer for

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