Mel Whitson, Senior Field Technical Service Manager, Zoëcon Professional Products
The infamous German cockroach can cause a range of issues for customers and pest management professionals alike, especially in areas where food is stored, prepared or processed. Not only do these cockroaches carry a negative stigma, but their foul-smelling secretions and residues can carry and transmit diseases.
Cockroach infestations can be difficult to recognize at first, as cockroaches often are creatures of the night.
By the time a customer identifies the problem, an infestation usually is well underway.
To treat for German cockroaches, start with reducing clutter and cutting off their available resources for food, water and shelter. Although this can be challenging in food-handling establishments, it will increase the efficacy of cockroach treatment and play a large role in prevention.
Customers also should make sure to fully inspect any shipment, packaged items and employee personal items coming into their spaces, as German cockroaches are excellent hitchhikers.
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