First quarter 2022 reader poll responses


April 14, 2022

Illustration: Canan turan/iStock / Getty Images Plus/Getty Images

Illustration: Canan turan/iStock / Getty Images Plus/Getty Images

Since we last compiled Pest Management Professional (PMP) magazine poll results, we have received some excellent insights from readers in our monthly polls.

We also post the same question to our columnists and PMP Editorial Advisory Board (EAB) members each month in print, to get their responses. The answers that don’t fit on the “Question of the Month” page for the print edition are always included in the online version. For example, what follow are some of our most recent polls, with a link to the contributor/EAB responses and with a few of our favorite reader responses, too.

Here’s just a sampling of the best of the best from the first quarter of 2022:

January: What will be your top financial issues for 2022?

  • PMP Contributor/EAB responses
  • “Rising interest rates, rising employment costs and flat pricing.”
  • “Payroll”
  • “Recruitment”
  • “Health care cost”
  • “Advertising and vehicle payments”
  • “To keep a sustainable wage for my employees while absorbing all the rising costs of doing business, such as: Health insurance increase, rising chemical prices and customers lost due to covid-related issues.”
  • “Cost of goods”
  • “Labor”
  • “Equipment purchases”
  • “Inflation”
  • “I believe that cost of materials and labor will be the toughest financial issues for 2022. We are already seeing an increase in starting wages, and 2021, we definitely saw the increase the price of materials!”
  • “Raising cost of materials”

February: What’s a good way to build recurring revenue?

  • PMP Contributor/EAB responses
  • “Field technicians that can upsell current accounts and have the ability to start conversations with potential customers within the same neighborhood.”
  • “We have had quarterly customers for a decade and still service them. Go the extra mile whenever possible.”
  • “Staying in touch with your customers. Always call ahead prior to service visits and always ask if there are any immediate concerns.”
  • “Train your service team.”
  • “Add an additional service offering that can be coupled with an existing service. An example would be mosquito control combined with regular pest control service. Or dryer vent cleaning service that could be coupled with annual termite renewal inspection.”

March: What is your favorite tip for finding good subcontractors?


About the Author

Ellen Wagner is a former digital editor for PMP magazine.

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