It’s important for customers to understand your mosquito control program, so you can deliver the best possible service. A great way to educate customers is by coaching them on the “Five W’s” of your program.
- Who: Explain the type of mosquito they’re dealing with, as each species has different flying, breeding and feeding habits; this also can help set appropriate expectations. Walk through the inspection report, focusing on any potential risks (environmental, structural, etc.).
- What: Offer tips for reducing mosquito pressure on their properties. Focus on sanitation and habitat modifications that customers can easily achieve, and provide detailed service records.
- When: Explain when they should start seeing results, and when they can use their outdoor space again.
- Where: Identify where you made mosquito treatments.
- Why: Tell customers why you used certain products and equipment. Explain why you applied to specific sites, rather than “fogging” the area.
Last but not least, don’t forget the How: Remind customers how they can reach you if they have any questions or concerns.
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