Pi Chi Omega announced the recipients of its annual scholarships for 2022.
Since awarding its first scholarship to (also a Pest Management Professional Hall of Famer, Class of 2008) in 1976, Pi Chi Omega has provided more than $240,000 in financial support to entomology students.
This year, the Pi Chi Omega committee had 10 applications, all from well-qualified individuals at various stages of their academic journey.
“With the new R. Randall Rollins Memorial Scholarship available, the committee was happy to select six candidates from the pool of highly qualified applicants this year,” said Desiree Straubinger, chair of the scholarship committee and a member of Pest Management Professional’s Editorial Advisory Board. “The committee’s selection was difficult, as we can see each of the students who applied making a huge impact on the future of the pest control industry.”
The six students who were awarded scholarships in 2022 are as follows:
- John Osmun Scholarship awarded to John Agnew, New Mexico State University for $3,000.
- Founders Endowment Scholarship awarded to Madison Gits, Purdue University for $2,000.
- Alain VanRyckeghem Memorial Scholarship awarded to Morgan Wilson, Virginia Tech for $2000.
- Austin Frishman Scholarship awarded to Allison Johnson, University of Georgia for $2,000.
- Norm Ehmann Scholarship awarded to Jin-Jia Yu, Rutgers University for $2,000.
- R. Randall Rollins Memorial Scholarship awarded to Shannon Sked, Rutgers University for $2,000.
The committee encourages those who did not receive a scholarship this year to apply again in 2023.
The current issue of Pi Chi Omega News provides a look at each of this years’ recipients. Each spring, students provide Pi Chi Omega with an update on their academic achievements, which will be featured next March.
If you are interested in applying for a scholarship, visit www.pichiomega.org. Scholarship applications are accepted each spring in mid-March, reviewed by the scholarship committee then awarded to six students who are studying urban and industrial pest management or some closely related plan of study.
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