Photo: Olemedia/E+/Getty Images
Since we last compiled Pest Management Professional (PMP) magazine poll results for the first quarter of 2022, we have received some excellent insights from readers in our monthly polls.
We also post the same question to our columnists and PMP Editorial Advisory Board (EAB) members each month in print, to get their responses. The answers that don’t fit on the “Question of the Month” page for the print edition are always included in the online version. For example, what follow are some of our most recent polls, with a link to the contributor/EAB responses and with a few of our favorite reader responses, too.
Here’s just a sampling of the best of the best from the second quarter of 2022:
April: Managing customer expectations with mosquitoes
- PMP Contributor/EAB responses
- “Remind them you can help control mosquitoes that are in their yard, but that does nothing to prevent them from coming after them from neighboring areas or farther.”
- “Tell your customer what your service will do and what it won’t. Depending on the nature of the mosquito issue, your mosquito service could provide a high level of mitigation — but it may not provide 100 percent elimination.”
- “We are a seasonal small business focused 95 percent on mosquito control. We do not promise 100 percent mosquito-free, as that is just absolutely not possible. Instead, we let our customers know that they should see a large reduction in the amount of mosquitoes and that in-between applications, the mosquito population will be held to a tolerable level.”
- “Communication and education with the customer.”
- “Always tell the truth.”
- “Don’t oversell a service. If you cannot treat the property correctly and without retreats, be honest! Most of our customers are fine on a monthly basis, but some do have to be changed to every three weeks. Don’t give your customers unrealistic expectations, such as ‘we eradicate all mosquitoes from your property.’ Be upfront, and outperform your competitors.”
- Advertise and sell ‘nuisance reduction,’ not ‘eradication.'”
May: What strategies are you using to account for inflation?
- PMP Contributor/EAB responses
- “I’m raising prices on customers that cost me the most. I’m also raising prices on new services, and tightening the belt on spending.”
- “We’re doing three things: 1. Price increases and changing frequency of service to increase dollar-per-stop. 2. Revisiting our current routing process as a leadership team to identify opportunities for improvement. 3. Transitioning compensation structures from hourly to incentive-based to better engage our team in identifying opportunities to improve processes and increase production capabilities.”
- “Signing up more clients and raising all prices.”
- “Raising prices and improving route efficiency.”
June: What’s a good tip when it comes to vacations for you and your employees?
- PMP Contributor/EAB responses
- “Go to a paid-time-off (PTO) plan to replace sick and vacation time for employees. It’s a low- or no-cost benefit that everyone appreciates, and you no longer have to be the sick-time police.”
- “Don’t take your work cell phone with you.”
- “Inspect for bed bugs and carry a big black trash bag.”
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