David Billingsly
David Billingsly, ACE, founder of the Billingsly Group, is launching a mid-level management training program on a national level for the pest control industry. This comes after his recent launch of his coaching and consulting business.
“In a time where many pest control companies have seen remarkable success with historically high growth, this success comes with challenges,” Billingsly said in a news release. “One of the biggest challenges continues to be a lack of leadership, specifically within mid-level management. Our industry has historically been a ‘next person up’ type of business.”
Billingsly said on a recent webinar and industry podcast, “Mid-level management training is one of the most important areas in our businesses to get right. With the launch of my coaching and consulting business, I decided to do something about it! I believe as business owners and leaders, it is our job to ensure our leaders have the proper tools and training available to them to ensure their success.”
Billingsly has developed what he describes as a “simple and common-sense approach that focuses on getting the basic foundational building blocks in place first.” The training program is designed to give new leaders a chance to be successful in their new roles.
For more information on his mid-level management training program Billingsly can be reached either by email or phone at: thebillingslygroup@gmail.com or at 703-856-3513.
Billingsly has more than 35 years in the service industry, including 16 years in the professional pest management industry. His career posts include serving as an Anticimex regional president for the west and as former president of Washington, D.C.-based American Pest.
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