For proper identification of stored pest products (SPP), it’s imperative to be able to distinguish the feeding habits of the four main groups: internal feeders, external feeders, scavengers and secondary pests. This will help you properly identify the species, develop an integrated pest management (IPM) plan and communicate the plan to the client.
Inspection is critical. It must include the investigation of all individual packages of potential harborages, such as grains, cereals and raw legumes. Infested material must be disposed of immediately and properly. In some cases, the infested material can be placed in the freezer — for an appropriate length of time — to eliminate the active infestation.
Pheromone traps can tell you the density and help pinpoint the location of the infestation. If necessary, use a non-residual aerosol labeled for use in and around food to flush out flying SPP. Use residual insecticides per label instructions, and carefully treat cracks and crevices in the infested areas.
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