Since we last compiled Pest Management Professional (PMP) magazine poll results, we have received some excellent insights from readers in our monthly polls.
We also post the same question to our columnists and PMP Editorial Advisory Board (EAB) members each month in print, to get their responses. The answers that don’t fit on the “Question of the Month” page for the print edition are always included in the online version. For example, what follow are some of our most recent polls, with a link to the contributor/EAB responses and with a few of our favorite reader responses, too.
Here’s just a sampling of the best of the best from the fourth quarter of 2022:
October: What should all technicians have in their work vehicles?
- PMP Contributor/EAB responses
- “Flashlight.”
- “GPS to assist driver directions; drive following device to provide driver feedback and management insight; power adapter to provide charging for tech devices; mobile phone to provide access to and communication with driver; and upfit organizers in the cab and bed.”
- “Technicide device.”
- “[Safety data sheets, or] SDS and labels.”
- “A change of clothes and a good flashlight.”
- “An inspection kit.”
- “Inspection mirror, extension pole and duster head, ladder, exclusion material, flashlight, multi tool and insect monitors.”
- “Fire extinguisher, first aid kit, anti back siphon device, extra [personal protective equipment, or] PPE, eye wash, label/SDS book, respirator, poison control phone number, emergency spill kit and flashlight.”
November: What’s a good way to give your brand identity more exposure in your community?
- PMP Contributor/EAB responses
- “Well labeled vehicles and tech uniforms.”
- “Once a month, we do a talk show on two different radio stations with call-in questions.”
- “Before a pest control company can consider a brand, they have to first develop a certain reputable service record. So start with a uniform, grooming and safety standards, background checks and hire people with math skills and common sense. But in my opinion after 40 years of service, [many of those who are] preaching this branding crap have no clue about running a service industry.”
December: What is a good company policy on receiving holiday gifts and tips from customers?
- PMP Contributor/EAB responses
- “If the customer would like to give a tip at the holidays to say thank you, then the techs should be grateful and enjoy the benefits of their hard work. Hopefully, they’re appreciative enough to send a thank-you note.”
- “It is acceptable. This is your customer showing appreciation for your hard work throughout the year.”
- “Leave it to the customer.”
- Gifts under $25 in value are OK. Over $25, they must report it to ensure that the tip is appropriate. At no time are we allowed to solicit tips.”
- “OK to accept gifts of nominal value: $25 or less.”
- “I would say that it is fine for a gift or tip because that shows a good relationship between customer and technician.”
- “The tips go directly to the technician. We have a gift sharing party.”
- “Be gracious and thankful. Obviously, don’t ask for gifts. But a nice Christmas card to your customers goes a long way in relationship building and will influence a potential tip or gift many times. As their service tech, knowing your customers really makes a difference, for example knowing which card — a Christmas, holiday or Hanukkah card — shows them respect. It’s the little things!”
- “Tips and gifts on the holidays, I always graciously accepted my entire career. How could you tell an elderly woman ‘no’ who baked cookies or some other pastries for you? I remember trying to politely turn some packages down, but they followed me to my vehicle where I finished logging my notes and some gents opened the door and stacked the gifts in the back seat and front seat. How can a company regulate a policy on Christmas spirit? It can’t.”
- “Accept, but send a thank-you note in addition to thanking them for being a customer.”
- “If any customer feels our employees have provided exceptional service, they can accept gratuities/gifts from customers at the holidays or any other time.”