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We asked Pest Management Professional’s columnists and editorial advisory board members to name essentials to keep in work vehicles. Here are some of the experts’ responses from our November 2022 print edition.
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PMP’s Editorial Advisory Board and Regular Contributors

Jerry Schappert
Jerry Schappert, ACE: “We sponsor a Pee Wee football team that our lead tech coaches every year. Our banner is at the game for all to see, and the announcer recognizes us — and others — each game to cheering crowds.”
Judy Black, BCE: “From a technical person’s viewpoint, participating in schools to help educate children about insects and the pest management industry is a good one. Pi Chi Omega even has a template for a Junior Entomologist program.”
Pete Schopen: “We love parades. Many of our staff members will drive our vehicles or walk in local parades. We have several people who will put on their bee suits, and we have a bee costume that one of the kids will wear in the parade. We hand out flyswatters and pens.”
Michael Broder: “We’ve had great success with our billboards. We tried to come up with something memorable, so our billboards say ‘Killing it since 1969’ with an ant in a gun scope. A lot of customers like that and remember us by it.”

Foster Brusca
Foster Brusca: “Join — and be active in — your local chamber of commerce. Go to all the events, such as ribbon cuttings and networking meetings. This organization will provide you with a lot of community exposure. Whenever possible, sponsor its events.”
Doug Foster: “I am a huge fan of signage to expand our visibility and exposure. We use stickers in crawlspaces and basements; magnets on refrigerators; yard signs for termite and mosquito control; and big, bold lettering on our vehicles.”
Paul Hardy: “Make sure vehicles are labeled, clean and organized. Make sure technicians look professional and are well dressed; they should be well trained, polite and outgoing.”
Dr. Faith Oi: “Our program goals are: Be kind. Do good.”
Mark Sheperdigian: “There are companies that do this for you, but if you are determined to do your own public relations, sponsoring local kids’ sports teams can put your company name in front of a lot of parents.”
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