Taking a proactive approach against ants


January 13, 2023

Dr. Jamel Sandidge, BCE

Dr. Jamel Sandidge, BCE

Regardless of whether you see them, ants are ever-present. Taking a proactive approach to ant control can prevent headaches and callbacks down the road. Weatherized granular baits, for example, are long-lasting products that can be applied months before ants break dormancy. Thinking ahead and baiting areas where ants are likely to overwinter will give you a jumpstart on the season.

When ants become highly active in the spring, building the colony is their primary objective. During this time, their normal food supplies will be limited, and baits will be even more attractive. By applying a granular, food-based bait ahead of the season, you increase the chances that the bait will be the first thing they find — eliminating the colony before it becomes an issue.

One more tip: Many colonies may overwinter inside wall voids, behind brick, under siding and in the many other cracks and crevices around structures. Applying a long-lasting, borate-based dust into these cracks, crevices and voids can ensure that any colonies hiding in these areas do not survive. As ants increase their activity in warmer weather, this treatment also will prevent them from moving into those highly protected areas where they can avoid liquid barrier treatments.


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Dr. Jamel Sandidge, BCE, is national director of technical services at Nisus Corp.

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