Ant identification is critical for determining the protocol that will be used for management. Follow these steps:
1. Thorough inspection:
- Take pictures, if allowed.
- Document conducive conditions.
- Make diagrams and note locations of activity.
- Document presence or absence of honeydew producers that ants may be tending.
- Interview customers about ant activity; take notes.
2. Identification:
- Familiarize yourself with the Top 5 ant species in your region.
- Collect, label and store several dozen specimens.
- Use a microscope for magnification.
- Reach out to universities, extension agents or industry experts for help.
3. Construction:
- Familiarize yourself with local construction types conducive to ant activity.
- Visit structures in various construction phases.
- Meet with a builder to learn more and ask questions.
4. Communication:
- Be upfront and direct with your customers.
- Explain the biology of the target species, the treatment process and expectations.
- Use written, verbal and visual communication.
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