Operation Gratitude, sponsored by FMC and PestVets, has been a highlight of the National Pest Management Association’s (NPMA’s) Legislative Day event for years. The initiative shows appreciation for active military personnel, and attendees offer support by jumping in to help.
During this year’s event, which was held in Washington, D.C., March 21-24, Legislative Day attendees created “Battalion Buddies,” cuddly toy bears designed to help comfort the children of active service members. In the past, the group assembled care packages and wrote letters of appreciation that were shipped to active-duty service members as part of Operation Gratitude. Learn more about the NPMA’s PestVets Council at PestVets.org.
FMC will donate a portion of purchases of select FMC products by FMC True Champion member pest management professionals directly to PestVets. As Mike Sisti, FMC North America Marketing Manager, Professional Solutions, says, “This will help support their mission to engage Veterans in their transition to a rewarding career in the pest management industry.” To learn more about the PestVets Give Back Program, see p. 12.

Legislative Day attendees formed an assembly line to stuff bear bodies, dress them in a camouflage outfit, and add a tag. PHOTO: PMP STAFF

Each camo-clad Battalion Buddy included a tag that explained its origins and purpose. PHOTO: PMP STAFF

The recipient of the 2023 David Cooksey PestVet of the Year is Xavier Cugnon, SHRM-SCP, PHR, VP of Human Resources Administration, Arrow Exterminators, Atlanta, Ga. He is a U.S. Marine who established Arrow’s Veterans Committee, which initiates charitable programs to help those in need. PHOTO: PMP STAFF

Showing off Battalion Buddies that are ready for a new home are, from left, Marty Overline, founder, Aardvark Pest Management, Philadelphia, Pa.; Allan Dufoe, North America sales manager — Pest, FMC; and Jeff Keller, ACE, technical services director, Burns Pest Elimination, Phoenix, Ariz. PHOTO: PMP STAFF
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