Water quality matters when treating with sprays


September 11, 2023

Dan Kramer

Dan Kramer

Most chemical products require dilution with water, but the quality of the water may negatively affect the product’s performance. Most municipal water sources are close to neutral (pH 7.0). This is ideal for most applications. By contrast, well water from either private or community wells may have a pH below or above neutral and may negatively affect product performance.

Water hardness over 120 parts per million (ppm) or 7 grains may react negatively with certain products. The water should be tested, or the manufacturer contacted to determine whether the level of hardness will interfere with product performance.

Lastly, we do not recommend tank mixing (combining two or more chemicals in one application). Some chemicals have ingredients that will damage the effectiveness of other products or cause issues like plugged sprayer nozzles.

About the Author

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Dan Kramer is a Technical Director at Avian Enterprises.

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