Viking Pest Control teams up with local government to treat SLF


September 18, 2023

LOGO: VIKING PEST CONTROLBasking Ridge, N.J.-based Viking Pest Control partnered with the city of Pleasantville, N.J., to assist with spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula, or SLF) management.

Viking Pest Control has been contracted to treat six public spaces in Pleasantville: two parks – Lincoln Green and New Hope Commons; the JB Smith Playground; the Pleasantville Recreation Center; and two bike path segments – Decatur Avenue to 2nd Avenue and Doughty Road to Bayview.

Viking Pest Control is collaborating with the city government and its Department of Public Works to combat the invasive and destructive insect species. The Department of Public Works has initiated a plant trimming initiative to ensure the safety of the park, playground, and bike path users. At the same time, Viking Pest Control has commenced its treatment protocol for dealing with SLF.

City Administrator Linda Peyton coordinated the effort among Viking Pest Control, the Department of Public Works and the Pleasantville government.

“We are excited to partner with Viking Pest Control, helping to combat the spotted lanternfly in Pleasantville,” Judy Ward, mayor of Pleasantville, N.J., said in the news release. “We are taking the necessary steps to help improve our beautiful public spaces and the quality of outdoor life for our residents.”

While SLF is not directly harmful to humans, they are highly detrimental to plant life and pose a significant risk to agriculture. In sufficient numbers, SLF can cause significant, even fatal damage to plant life. SLF egg masses resemble patches of mud on tree bark and other surfaces and should be scraped off. They also excrete honeydew, a sweet, sticky liquid that attracts other pests, such as ants and stinging insects, as well as harmful sooty mold presenting additional risk. If a tree is heavily infested, the dropping honeydew makes it appear as if the tree is raining.

Viking Pest Control’s SLF treatment has been recognized by Real Simple magazine as the best in the country. Applications of this treatment are designed to help control and reduce the overpopulation of this invasive pest species while having minimal impact on beneficial plants and wildlife.


About the Author

Ellen Wagner is a former digital editor for PMP magazine.

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