Moving forward in unimaginable ways


October 13, 2023

Diane Sofranec

Diane Sofranec

To say times have changed since Al Cossetta founded Exterminators Log, the publication now known as Pest Management Professional, would be an understatement.

Thanks to technology the editor and pest control company owner never could have imagined 90 years ago, pest management professionals (PMPs) work smarter, not harder. Here’s a look at a few developments that have moved the pest control industry forward.

  • Smartphones are pocket-sized computers equipped with apps that make it possible to instantly identify species in the field; cameras that take pictures and shoot video that can be shown to customers or colleagues to explain details of an infestation; and an internet that allows instant access to product- and pest-related information.
  • Evolving vehicle enhancements include GPS to ensure PMPs arrive at the correct location, safety features such as backup cameras and blind spot monitors, and dash camera systems for added protection.
  • Route optimization software makes it easy for pest control companies to conserve fuel and reduce windshield time when scheduling service calls. It also helps squeeze in emergency service calls.
  • Office automation solutions, such as accounting software, provide instant access to company data that reveals the health of the business. Business software manages customers, services and billing; handles marketing; and makes office staff more efficient.
  • Online training comprises videos and information that enable PMPs to learn at a convenient time and place. In addition, social media lets PMPs share ideas and troubleshoot tough jobs with colleagues near and far.
  • Pest control company websites provide prospective customers with information about services, business hours, staff and customer ratings, regardless of time of day. Best of all, there’s no limit on the information listed.
  • Smart rodent traps equipped with sensors and cameras notify PMPs when activity occurs. They also generate reports, and PMPs can use the data to plan their rodent control strategies.

PMPs are fortunate to work at a time of technological advancements. Here’s to the visionaries who are developing pest control’s newest innovations.

About the Author

Headshot: Diane Sofranec

Diane Sofranec is the senior editor for PMP magazine. She can be reached at or 216-706-3793.

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