What to check when choosing a rodenticide


December 7, 2023

Sylvia Kenmuir, BCE

Sylvia Kenmuir, BCE

When it comes to rodenticides — or in fact, any pesticide — the selection process is multi-faceted. It is important to not only consider the artificial intelligence (AI), but also the formulation, as both play equal roles in the product’s effectiveness. There are two big factors to consider when trying to approach the selection process with a broader perspective:

  1. The AI(s). This determines the mode of action. The current regulatory climate suggests having experience with multiple AIs in your program will make you more knowledgable and make your program adaptable if AIs become limited by regulation or laws.
  2. The Formulation. This refers to how the AI is delivered. Common formulations include blocks, pellets, liquids and soft baits. Soft baits might also be referred to as a paste or soft block.

Once an AI is selected, the more critical consideration is the formulation. Key benefits of the formulation should include safety, palatability, weatherability and application methods.

Newer considerations include local regulations and potential resistance. Secondary toxicity can be affected by both the AI and the formulation. Also, it is critical that the product is secured in a rodent bait station to reduce risk to non-target animals.

The success of a program is measured by a reduction in the rodent population. While the tug-of-war between regulatory pressure and having enough tools to protect public health intensifies, it underscores the importance of continually reassessing your rodent control strategies.

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Sylvia Kenmuir, BCE, Western Technical Representative, BASF

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