Bed bug infestations are beyond irritating. Not only do they directly impact health and quality of life, but their ability to spread quickly and avoid detection makes them one of the most difficult insects for clients and PMPs alike. When an infestation does occur, early detection and intervention from a professional is key.
Bed bugs leave a musty-sweet smell, rust-colored spots and, most conspicuously, small bites on human hosts. Once you’ve detected bed bugs, remember to leave no stone unturned when it comes to treatment. Inspect all cracks and crevices, ornate decorations, electronic items such as clocks and phones, and examine furniture from all angles. Remember, not all crevices are evident without flipping furniture upside down. Inspect any place where bed bugs can hide undetected yet have regular access to human hosts.
Whether dealing with commercial or residential clients, communication is of the utmost importance for bed bug infestations. Make sure clients are cautious and checking used items brought into the home or business. These measures, along with diligence while traveling, are the best precautions against bed bugs.
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