Steps to identify stinging pests


April 18, 2024

Lisa Eppler

Lisa Eppler

Venomous stinging insects such as yellowjackets, paper wasps (Polistinae) and hornets (Vespa spp.) are most active from August until October, when their nests reach peak size. Follow these steps to identify risk factors and minimize the chances of encountering stinging pests:

  • Inspect the property and eradicate any existing hives and nests.
  • Look for abandoned animal burrows and tree hollows where stinging insect nests could hide.
  • Seal entry points into the structure (attics, crawlspaces, under decks, etc.).
  • Inspect trash can storage and point out any unsealed containers to your customers.
  • Eliminate standing water around the structure, including in bird baths, gutters, etc., which also can help reduce mosquito populations.
  • Place stinging insect traps around outdoor dining areas.
  • Recommend that customers avoid wearing sweet fragrances, dark and floral clothing, open-toe shoes and loose-fitting garments.

An integrated pest management (IPM) strategy can help you minimize the risk of stings for your customers. In the meantime, “bee” aware and “bee” safe.


About the Author

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Eppler is the technical services manager at Syngenta.

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