One of the most important aspects of controlling mosquitoes is protecting pollinators. When we see the beautiful riot of colors of flowering perennial and annual blooms, it provides obvious signs to avoid the area because pollinators will be nearby.
However, one major factor to remember is that weeds, trees and vines also have flowers that are frequently visited by many different groups of pollinators. Clover, dandelion, henbit, nettle, chickweed and many other common lawn weeds are common sources of pollen and nectar. Such lawn weeds often serve as the first available vital food source used by pollinators in the early months of spring.
There are many different types of flowers. Many trees, weeds and other plants have flowers known as inflorescences. These can be difficult to identify because they may be small clusters of tiny flowers that bloom over time, instead of larger, solitary flower heads that all bloom in a short time window.
It is also critical to think ahead. When treating areas with weeds, consider when they will bloom and how this could this impact pollinators.
When applying pesticides, remember what to do: Protect the bees and butterflies, because weeds have flowers, too!
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