AAPSE President Amanda Bachmann presented the award to Faye Golden, who was selected because of her many achievements and long-standing service to the organization. PHOTO COURTESY OF FAYE GOLDEN
Faye Golden, director of government affairs at Cook’s Pest Control and president of the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), was presented with the American Association of Pesticide Safety Educators (AAPSE) Fellow Award at its recent 2024 National Conference in Laramie, Wyo. The AAPSE Fellow Award is the highest recognition bestowed by the association.
Golden was elected as president of the NPMA Board of Directors earlier this year and began her term on July 1. She has been a long-standing member of the AAPSE, and the award recognizes her achievements and contributions to the organization, which is comprised of pesticide applicators, regulators, pesticide safety educators and other pest management professioanls. Golden also continues to be an advocate for advancing pesticide safety education and certification programs.
AAPSE’s mission is to provide a collective voice and forum for professional development, advocacy, and collaboration in the development, delivery, and advancement of pesticide applicator certification and safety education. AAPSE has a diverse membership, comprised of state and federal regulatory officials, university pesticide safety education specialists, pest management professionals, pesticide registrants and public and private entities. The organization trains and certifies 500,000 applicators in agriculture, urban landscapes, parks, structures and buildings, forests, roadside rights of ways, watersheds, public health and more. Each year, AAPSE reaches nearly 2 million people — from pesticide educators, farm laborers, backyard gardeners to inner-city and remote rural communities with education and outreach.
About the National Pest Management Association
The National Pest Management Association is a non-profit organization with more than 4,000 members. It was established in 1933 to support the pest management industry’s commitment to the protection of public health, food, and property from the diseases and dangers of pests. The association has had many notable leaders over the years, including Pest Management Professional Hall of Famers Bill Buettner (Class of 1998), Dr. Ralph Heal (Class of 2003), Dr. Phil Spear (Class of 2004), and Bob Rosenberg (Class of 2013), to name just a few.
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