Pest Management Foundation reveals new endowed scholarship


August 13, 2024

LOGO: PEST MANAGEMENT FOUNDATIONThe Pest Management Foundation recently revealed the new Tim and Kathy Pollard Scholarship, as part of the organization’s scholarship program.

The program, which was first announced at PestWorld 2022, allows donors to establish a scholarship that can be custom-named for individuals, companies or organizations. Criteria for scholarship awards are flexible and also determined by the donor. The minimum gift to establish an endowed scholarship is $25,000. Gifts may be paid all at once, or over a five-year period.

The Pollards established this scholarship to continue the mission of the pest control industry and assist those looking to build a career. This $1,000 scholarship will be awarded annually to undergraduate or graduate students majoring in the College of Agriculture at Auburn University.

“We’ve been fortunate to be a part of the pest control industry for more than 30 years. It is a wonderful industry that has blessed our family. This scholarship is one way of giving back to this amazing industry while also supporting our beloved Auburn University,” said Tim Pollard, president and COO of Arrow Exterminators in Atlanta, Ga.

This scholarship is designed to be complementary to existing scholarships within Arrow Exterminators and the industry.

In addition to the Tim and Kathy Pollard Scholarship, the foundation has three other scholarships as part of the endowed scholarship program.

  • The Jim Ogle Scholarship, endowed by James Ogle, was created by the Ogle family to help further pest management research and entomology in college education. The scholarship reflects Jim Ogle’s belief in education and quality training for his company, Lloyd Pest Control.
  • The NPMA Bright Futures Scholarship, endowed by the National Pest Management Association, is a $1,000 annual award, honoring the past presidents of the association. The scholarship attempts to support and inspire the next generation of pest management professionals by carrying on the legacy of the association and driving progress in the pest management industry.
  • The Dr. Phil Koehler Scholarship is endowed by Jerry Gahlhoff, who hoped to honor Dr. Koehler’s legacy by providing financial assistance to students who choose to pursue pest management. Now retired, Dr. Koehler, a Pest Management Professional Hall of Famer (Class of 2015), spent his career supporting and developing students in urban entomology.

All applications for the upcoming year will open on Oct. 1. For more information, visit here.


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