Create a game plan for your fourth quarter


December 19, 2024

Jenkins and his wife, Kimberli, recently celebrated his birthday with a tropical getaway. PHOTO: RALEIGH JENKINS

Jenkins and his wife, Kimberli, recently celebrated his birthday with a tropical getaway. PHOTO: RALEIGH JENKINS

Most people reading this will agree with me: The pest control industry is and has been such a blessing. It is a great business for serving others, providing a good living, and offering the flexibility to allow some individual freedom to be with your family.

Now that I’m in my 60s, I can reflect on how it has blessed me. I am part of a men’s ministry that prompted me to reflect and look forward. As I approach the next chapter — the fourth quarter — of my life, a few thoughts come to mind.

Reflecting on a life well lived

The first quarter of my life, from childhood through early adulthood, was an amazing journey. Because I grew up in a family pest control business, we would openly discuss my dad’s business. He would share his challenges, triumphs and lessons learned with my brothers and me, typically at the dinner table.

The second quarter, in my 30s and 40s, primarily focused on building a business and growing and developing my family. It was a very intentional time. I had a clear vision of where I was going thanks to my mom and dad, my brothers, and many amazing mentors and friends who all openly mentored and coached me during that time.

In the third quarter, my focus shifted. With grown children, a little more income, and a little more time, I found time to invest more in the business, travel and serve in other aspects.

But now, in my 60s, I am looking at the fourth quarter of my life, which includes my inevitable retirement. Many of us are looking at that quickly approaching day. But even for those of you who are decades away, your retirement day is inevitable — and God willing, all of us will have some golden years.

Making the transition

With lots of conversations with mentors and lots of reading, I have created a game plan that is important to me.

For me, retirement is not a final day when I just walk away from the business we have built over the past 38 years. I am fortunate to have three very bright and hardworking children and three very bright and hardworking in-law children, all in their 30s. They all work in the business in different capacities, and they each bring a special talent and skill set to the table.

Because of that luxury, I knew I would need to step out of the way sooner than later. So, we began planning for the transition about two years ago. We asked a mentor to step in. It took time, lots of discussion, and several drafts before we all could agree on a new structure. We now have a board of directors on which I serve as chairman.

I also physically moved out of the office, even though I’ve kept the title of company president. Somehow, mentally and visually, this has been helpful for the upcoming transition for my staff, management team and executive/ownership team. It also helped in transitioning my responsibilities.

In short: Make a plan. Write it down. Know where and how you can plug yourself in and work the plan. Challenge yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Good luck, and God bless.

Read more from Jenkins as he also shares more about retirement and the personal side of the fourth quarter of his career.

About the Author

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JENKINS, who rotates this column with his brothers Bobby and Dennis, is president of ABC Home & Commercial Services, Houston, Texas. He can be reached at

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