J.T. Eaton
The once “known” range and behavior of commensal rodents can no longer be a go-to resource. With climate change causing rodent species to expand their range, we now see a wider distribution of commensal rodents and an increase in rodent-borne diseases.
Start each inspection by identifying the pest species present — there may be more than one — and what behaviors you observe at that specific location. Treat each location as a unique situation. This extends to the tools you use as well. Different issues result in different treatments.
Next, identify your legal constraints for product usage at that location. You are liable for misuse of products, so check local restrictions and the product label. For rodenticides, you must look at state restrictions and always use a bait station that is weighted or secured, with the rodenticide baits secured safely inside the station.
Finally, remember that your tools, traps and baits are not magic. They require the skill
and know-how of a trained technician. If they are failing, change your strategy.
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