Why you should never sell a bed bug job based on bites alone


December 23, 2024

At Bug Off Pest Control Center’s 2024 New York Pest Expo MGK‘s Tommy Powell explains why it’s important to identify the pest and confirm its presence before committing to the job.


Never, ever, ever, ever, one more, ever sell a bedbug job, because you saw some bites on somebody’s arm. Even if they’re like what I’m about to show you, even if they’re like, in a straight line, like I’m going to show you. Don’t sell it. There’s something called delusional parasitosis out there. Anybody ever heard that before? Cool talk. Very cool talk. It’s people who believe they have insects in them, on them that live on them or in them, and they’re constantly getting bit. And they will have bites all over them. Okay.

I once was standing right in front of the lady who told me she had clear worms that only she could see. They were coming out of her skin. I slowly was backing away, like nothing to treat here. She was showing me pieces of string, a moth, stuff like that, all those things. Okay, don’t sell it. And when they look at what might what is biting me? They go online, fleas and bed bugs. First two things that come up. Okay? So they’re going to say they have bed bugs. They’ll have marks all over their body. You need to see bed bugs before you treat.


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