The ins and outs of BASF’s new quick release insecticide, Ridesco WG


January 2, 2025

PMP Editor-in-Chief Heather Gooch chats with Dr. Freder Medina of BASF about the company’s new Ridesco WG Insecticide, which will be available in January 2025. Dr. Medina shares more about the quickHYPENrelease formulation, which has two active ingredients, dinotefuran and alpha-cypermethrin.


Heather Gooch: I’m Heather Gooch, editor-in-chief of Pest Management Professional magazine, and I’m here today with Dr. Freder Medina, the technical market manager of BASF. Dr Medina, would you tell us a little bit about what you guys are showcasing this year at PestWorld at BASF?

Dr. Freder Medina: We’re very excited because we have a new product that is called Ridesco WG. And the main thing about this product, we’re so excited, because it’s a fast kill product. So it allows you to reduce the population of any pest, any label pest, really fast. And it gives you that ability because it has two modes of action, two different type of (active ingredients) with different physiological pathways. They work better together. And not only that, the formulation is a dry formulation. So it’s easy to use, easy to mix. It has one rate. So if you think about a company with multiple branches. It’s easy to train your guys because you only have one rate on the product.

HG: So Dr. Medina, I know that you guys have a very strong Alpine product line for German cockroaches and so forth. But how does Ridesco fit in or complement that existing line of product that you have?

Dr. Medina: Great question, Heather. And one of the things is, everybody knows Alpine WG works really well for German cockroaches, and one of the benefits of the product is that it’s non repellent. So we want you to keep using the non repellent products for German cockroach control, for example, because it’s likely that you’re going to use it in combination with baits. So Ridesco is not ideal to use when you’re targeting German cockroaches, because then you will not be able to use baits because the product of the repellency properties of the product. Now there are other situations where you would definitely use Ridesco. If you have a clean out situation, not necessarily in a commercial kitchen, but in a residence or any other commercial place. You want to target, and you want to target large cockroach populations, like American cockroach like smoky brown cockroaches. Those are the situations where you would succeed using Ridesco. So Ridesco will give you that ability for one time services, for first time services, where the population of the pest is at a level that the homeowners or the property owners cannot tolerate any longer, and they want quick results. Fast results. That’s where Ridesco will fit in.


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