One change PMPs can implement in 2025 to help their businesses grow


January 7, 2025

Graphic: PMP Staff

Graphic: PMP Staff

We asked Pest Management Professional’s columnists and editorial advisory board members about one change PMPs can implement in 2025 to help their businesses grow. Here are some of their responses from our January 2025 print edition.

Greg Baumann

Greg Baumann

Greg Baumann: “Employee retention. The cost of replacing employees is much larger than reported. It is not only a replacement, but lost customers, company advocacy and expertise that might have been surrendered to your competition.”

Doug Foster: “Folks buy from people they know, like and trust. Offering additional services to your existing customer base is a proven way to grow your business.”

Paul Hardy

Paul Hardy

Paul Hardy: “Our industry growth used to be through referrals, personality and service. Now, it is through advertising and marketing. Smaller companies are finding that the cost of operations can be greater than growth and profits. Overall, industry materials and equipment are much better than they used to be, but cost can exceed growth if we’re not careful. Customer retention needs to become the goal again. Buying customers is too expensive. Employee training in customer retention will lead to cost reduction, retention and more growth.”

Foster Brusca: “Embracing and integrating technology-driven customer service solutions can drive business growth. For example, adopting automated emails and text message campaigns to follow up with customers, send reminders and share educational content about seasonal pest issues can significantly enhance customer engagement. By leveraging modern technology to improve the customer experience, businesses can differentiate themselves, boost efficiency and build strong, long-lasting customer relationships.”

Sheri Spencer Bachman

Sheri Spencer Bachman

Pete Schopen: “Set up and charge for follow-up services. Too many people in our industry include follow-up visits with their pricing. Some companies also offer ‘one-and-dones’ and skip the follow-up treatments. Stop doing that! An easy way to get recurring work is by setting up follow-ups after the initial service and charging for those visits.”

Sheri Spencer Bachman: “Create a clearly defined system for selling, and train to it. Train often — not just once, which is what too many companies do. Role-play sales calls continually so your team isn’t practicing on their prospects. Listen to phone calls. Provide ongoing coaching of conversations to improve sales calls. Focusing on sales so you close more business will help your business grow.”

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