The ‘Four I’s’ of successful ant management


January 13, 2025

Heather Patterson

Heather Patterson

Control Solutions Inc.

Pest management professionals’ (PMPs’) ability to problem-solve and think critically are useful for facing ant infestations.

While managing ants can be challenging and complex at times, remembering the “Four I’s of Successful Ant Management” helps keep things simple:

1. Interview. Here’s where we probe for as much detailed and important information as possible.
Come ready with questions for your customers to help paint a clear picture of the situation. The answers should give you some insight into the property’s condition, the extent of the activity, how long it’s been established, and more.

2. Identify. Knowing how to identify and distinguish ant species is particularly valuable, as dozens of species can become problematic in and around structures. A correct identification will equip you with essential information that will inform your management approach. There are many accessible resources available to help strengthen this skill.

3. Inspect. As one of the most important steps of your ant management service, a thorough inspection should help reveal the level of infestation, what’s contributing to it, the conducive conditions perpetuating it, where the ants might be coming from and how they are getting in.

4. Implement. Once you’ve considered your management options, the next step is choosing the most appropriate game plan for the situation. From there, we implement, monitor and adjust where needed.

About the Author

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Heather Patterson is a technical services manager for the product development team at Control Solutions Inc.

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