Sylvia Kenmuir, BCE
Have you ever wondered where ants go when the temperatures start to drop? As the weather cools down, many species of ants seem to vanish. But let’s not be fooled — ant colonies are simply shifting tactics. Their hidden agenda is to protect the queen(s) and shelter in place until warmer days return.
Now is the perfect time of year to survey your customers’ properties, especially those that might have had issues with ants over the summer months, to see whether any smaller ant colonies are hiding out until weather conditions improve. Inspection areas to focus on should include the edges of the property, trees, ground cover and beneath rocks. Look for any signs of ant activity.
Because food is scarce now, it is an ideal time to deploy baits. It is also a perfect time to consider using nonrepellent chemistries with baiting. Targeting colonies when their numbers are low helps keep them in check for the future.
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