Dr. Ryan Neff, West Coast Technical Field Specialist, MGK
January 16, 2024
"Once colonies are located, you can use a variety of treatment methods to eliminate them," says Dr. Ryan Neff, of MGK....
October 04, 2023
"To find and eliminate the source of the infestation, use a combination of sanitation, exclusion and fogging," says Dr. Ryan Neff, of MGK....
January 11, 2023
Dr. Ryan Neff, of MGK, says it's hard to generalize about baiting since ant types can vary from one account to another. ...
November 11, 2022
Dr. Ryan Neff, of MGK, gives tips for when treatment against stored product pests requires chemical control tactics. ...
January 21, 2022
When baiting for ants that are foraging indoors, especially unicolonial ants like the Argentine (Linepithema humile), odorous house (Tapinoma sessile, or OHA) or ghost ant (T. melanocephalum) species, PMPs often......
November 05, 2021
Dr. Ryan Neff, of MGK, shares tips on three actions for better stored product pests....
January 08, 2021
When an ant colony is nesting on the exterior of the structure, it is important to limit the food sources on the interior, including the use of baits....