MITCHELL, D.O., DVM, PsyD, BCE, is technical director of PestWest, and a frequent contributor to PMP.
August 12, 2024
Before treating an infestation of cat fleas (Ctenocephalides felis), it’s crucial to thoroughly understand the behaviors of the cat, dog — yep, dogs can get cat fleas — or other companion animals involved....
June 28, 2024
New-generation ultraviolet-A (UVA) LED filament ILT technology is beneficial for progressive filth fly management....
October 18, 2023
Dr. Stuart Mitchell, BCE, of PestWest, writes a poem about the house fly. ...
November 28, 2022
Dr. Stuart Mitchell, of PestWest USA, says to consider yourself a facility “trashologist” by routinely examining the method of how trash is handled. ...
August 29, 2022
Dr. Stuart Mitchell, BCE, of PestWest USA, says the future of cost-effective fly monitoring is through an insect light traps (ILTs) remote monitoring system....
November 30, 2021
Dr. Stuart Mitchell, BCE, of PestWest USA, explains how to use glue boards as a way to identify and treat stored product pests....
August 23, 2021
The next time you find yourself on a ladder inspecting an insect light trap (ILT) for fly control or some similar task, consider the last time you and your team......
November 25, 2020
PMPs need to understand the food production chain in order to determine how or why a stored product pest decides to infest....
July 28, 2020
Researchers demonstrated that blue light and yellow glasses (visual fluorescence) are more effective than white light for finding insects in the dark....
June 29, 2020
As dictated by a house fly (Musca domestica): I’m 0.4 inch long, weigh 0.0004 of an ounce, fly 4.5 mph with 15 mph bursts....