Ed Dolshun is Technical Director and Northeast & Canada Regional Manager for AP&G.
August 23, 2024
Catchmaster Pro develops multi-catch device that works with the company's existing Nos. 72TC and 605 or 607 mouse snap traps....
December 14, 2023
"As professionals, we must always be able to answer the question: Why did we place that piece of equipment where we did?" says Ed Dolshun, of Catchmaster Pro....
November 16, 2020
Indianmeal moths (IMM) can be pervasive in our homes and office spaces. But it is often very difficult to pinpoint the source of infestation....
April 22, 2020
Use glue boards to capture wasps, hornets and yellowjackets around a residential account. They often bore entrance holes into structures....
April 30, 2019
Wasps and yellowjackets often bore entrance holes into structures. If you locate one of these entry points in an accessible area, you can greatly reduce the population simply by using......
April 20, 2019
Monitoring remains an important step in cockroach management. It saves you time and money, while reducing your environmental impact. Glue boards provide an effective surveillance tool capable of painting a......
April 03, 2019
Studies from Rutgers University have shown that “bed bugs inhabit areas of least disturbance first.” Areas of least disturbance can include voids behind dressers, hidden corners and any area with......
January 23, 2019
Insect light traps (ILTs) have traditionally been considered control devices only suited for commercial accounts. But the availability of small, portable and affordable ILTs has increased in recent years. These......
December 27, 2018
There are many commercially available traps for wasps, hornets and yellowjackets. I recommend using a trap that is baited with both protein- and carbohydrate-based attractants, to appeal to their changing......
September 27, 2018
A surge in clothes moth calls has been reported in recent months....