Jeff Fenner is a partner in B Communications, based in Cleveland. He has more than 25 years of experience writing about the pest management industry, and can be reached at
July 28, 2022
The fleet of the 96-year-old Sprague Pest Solutions comprises more than 300 vehicles — more than 60 percent of which have a vanity plate....
May 05, 2021
Celebrating 50 years in the industry, Larry Treleven now serves as executive VP of his family-owned business, Sprague Pest Solutions in in Tacoma, Wash....
February 06, 2018
“The strength of the Clark Pest Control family has seen many of our employees get involved in relief efforts to help those impacted by the fires.”...
January 24, 2018
Editor’s Note: The “Photo Finish” in the January issue of PMP Magazine introduced readers to John Jarvis — termite inspector for Clark Pest Control’s Santa Rosa, Calif., branch by day,......