Stoy Hedges, BCE, is an entomologist with Terminix.
June 18, 2014
Of the more than 30 species of beetles that infest stored products, only a few are considered serious pests. Some, like the rice weevil and lesser grain borer, are far......
April 01, 2014
Although most bird control and exclusion work occurs outside buildings, birds will nest inside attics or ceiling voids occasionally because of openings. All animals have parasites of one type or......
October 13, 2013
Three kinds of animals fight battles in formations: humans, crows and ants. Perhaps that’s why various species of pest ants still hold the title as the No. 1 invader of......
June 28, 2013
By Stoy Hedges, BCE All spiders have venom glands, but the venom of most spiders is not dangerous to people. Two exceptions in the United States are the black widow......
April 29, 2013
By Stoy Hedges, BCE Where cicada killer wasps (Sphecius spp.) have congregated in larger numbers, nesting in a particular landscape bed, the wasps can be deterred from using that site......