Tommy Powell is a technical field specialist for MGK.
September 13, 2024
Treating in the wrong place often is the reason for failure when dealing with bat bugs instead of bed bugs...
February 07, 2024
Tommy Powell, of MGK, shares how assessment-based pest management can be used to treat bed bugs. ...
May 05, 2023
Tommy Powell, of MGK, gives tips on where not to treat mosquitoes and what to avoid....
February 14, 2022
Tommy Powell, of MGK, explains how to set expectations for customers when treating bed bugs to ease their anxiety on the process. ...
March 05, 2021
Tommy Powell, Technical Field Specialist with MGK, shares two vacuuming hacks for better cockroach control and reducing customer callbacks....
February 02, 2021
Make sure to set clear expectations, and explain why a customer’s assistance and coopoeration will help achieve bed bug control....
May 25, 2020
The backpack mist blower has become a popular application method for mosquito control services. Here's some safety tips to keep in mind....
April 26, 2019
Be conscious of the season or time of year when a customer notifies you they have a wasp in their home. Many species of social Hymenoptera, including paper wasps and......
March 07, 2019
Many customers attempt to solve bird problems themselves by purchasing a visual deterrent, such as a plastic owl. But visual deterrents are only successful when the fear created overcomes the......
November 01, 2018
Communication with your customer is the first step for identifying and managing stinging insects such as bees and wasps. Your customer typically can help you locate key areas of activity.......