January 11, 2017
Pest Management Professional chronicled six women who have made pest management their calling. Each one forged her own path toward success — and learned some lessons along the way. ......
January 06, 2017
December 16, 2016
The National Pest Management Association’s (NPMA’s) PestWorld 2016 drew throngs of pest management professionals (PMPs), industry business owners, manufacturers and distributors from across the country and beyond to Seattle Oct.......
December 15, 2016
Through the Georgia Pest Control Association’s (GPCA’s) Professional Women group, Shay Runion and her team encourage males to participate in activities, too — and bring their daughters, wives, mothers and sisters. “I......
December 13, 2016
Judy Black, BCE, notes that she has witnessed some significant change in the industry since she began working in it nearly 30 years ago. “While there’s still rarely a line......
December 09, 2016
Catseye strengthens customer relationships through trust and tailored service. Customer relationships mean a lot at Catseye USA, says David Miclette, company president. “We grow and strengthen lasting relationships with our......
December 08, 2016
Heron Home & Outdoor’s strategy for growth involves winning new customers by building value and rewarding referrals. Moments of truth — that’s what Greg Clendenin, CEO of Heron Home &......
November 25, 2016
Pacific dampwood termite [Zootermopsis angusticollis, aka rottenwood termite] Author’s Note: Information was gleaned from Truman’s Scientific Guide to Pest Management Operations, available at the PMP Bookstore. Description The largest of......
November 24, 2016
PMPs are spending most of their revenue where they always have, but growth sometimes allows them to up the ante. One telling indicator that a company is holding a good......
November 17, 2016
It’s good to see an owner like McCloud Service’s Chris McCloud getting out in front of the public eye with a positive industry message like the one contained in the......