July 29, 2016
ByDr. Doug Mampe
Q: A homeowner has a cigarette beetle infestation in her pantry. She buys large quantities of organic food and stores them for months. In one glass container, I found cigarette...
July 4, 2016
Restaurants are a potential buffet for house mice and other rodents. Q: We just landed a restaurant account with a heavy mouse infestation. Can we use tracking powder in the...
May 3, 2016
Q: What is the insect in the picture I sent you via email, and what should I do about it? I am finding them on the side of a house...
April 25, 2016
ByJoelle Harms
Billions of Brood V periodical cicadas in the eastern United States will emerge over the next several weeks after living underground for 17 years. Periodical cicada nymphs develop underground by feeding...
April 4, 2016
Email your questions about insect identification and pest management technologies and techniques to Dr. Mampe. Your questions most likely will be printed and answered in one of Pest Management Professional’s...
March 8, 2016
Q: We found a cigarette beetle problem in a conference room. A thorough inspection failed to locate a source. We’ve inspected adjoining rooms, but haven’t found anything. We did find...
January 21, 2016
Q: A woman died in an apartment complex I service. She was dead for nine days before someone found her. Now a neighbor is complaining about fly maggots crawling into...
December 21, 2015
Q: A homeowner just purchased new wall-to-wall carpeting, but she’s finding black carpet beetles (Attagenus unicolor) in the carpet, on the stairs and other places in the newly carpeted rooms....
November 25, 2015
Q: Citronella ants (Acanthomyops spp.) are swarming in an operating room (OR) at a local hospital. What can I do about them? The OR is currently shut down. —Richard H.,...
November 20, 2015
ByWill Nepper
I’m typically responsible for coming up with and asking our panel of contributors the “Questions of the Month,” which appears near the front of every issue in our ‘news &...