During its recent conference in Newport Beach, Calif., Copesan, a Wisconsin-based pest management company, held a raffle and voice auction to benefit two programs that contribute to the future of the pest management industry. The company recently announced its $13,408 contribution to the two internationally recognized charitable organizations, which will help fund scholarships and support research.
More than 300 members of the Copesan Partner network and pest management suppliers attended the raffle, part of Copesan’s 13th annual conference.
Throughout the past 12 years, Copesan’s Annual Charity Raffle, sponsored by Syngenta, has raised more than $88,000 for Pi Chi Omega, the industry’s professional pest control fraternity, and the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) Foundation.
In the span of a few days the conference raffle raised more than $6,000. Copesan then matched that amount for a total donation of $12,508 to be split between Pi Chi Omega (for scholarships) and the NPMA Foundation (for research).
Pi Chi Omega will also receive $375 raised by auctioning the “Arthropod of the Hour,” a clock with preserved insect specimens on each hour of the face. The clock was donated by Gerry Wegner, technical director and staff entomologist of ProGuard Commercial Pest Solutions in Columbus, Ohio.
“Copesan is proud to support both the Pi Chi Omega scholarship fund and the NPMA Foundation for research,” said Deni Naumann, Copesan president. “Raising $5,120 created a lot of excitement among our partners and staff attending the event.
“It was also fun to witness the bidding taking place as we auctioned off one of Gerry’s beautifully hand-crafted clocks,” Naumann adds.
Contact Nepper at wnepper@northcoastmedia.net or 216-706-3775.
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