Mobile PMP: Mobile Marketing 101, Part 1


June 29, 2015

Photo: ©

Photo: ©

Getting your company online and participating in social media are not the same as mobile marketing — that is, marketing and making sales via mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Many of your competitors know this, so it’s time to catch up.

To keep you from feeling adrift in a sea of other advertisers all vying for the eyes, attention and iPhones as you, here is Part 1 of a two-part Mobile PMP compilation of online marketing tips, to help you focus your efforts and fine-tune your mobile marketing strategy.

Privacy is paramount
Make sure your marketing messages are going only to those who have agreed to receive discounts and coupons, or who have opted in to receiving email or text notifications from you. Otherwise, you take a chance on angering and alienating an existing or potential customer who might otherwise be interested in what you have to say.

When people receive unsolicited communiqués from marketers, most feel as though their privacy has been invaded or, worse yet, compromised. Likewise, if you receive an opt-out request, whether it be an email, a clicked link from your ad, a checked box on emailed material or an angry phone call, make sure you address the customer’s concern immediately before he or she receives anything else from you.

Be concise and clear
As compared to text marketing, email marketing allows for a bit more creativity, length and latitude with the info you’re sending. However, being short and to the point is still the rule of thumb to make your mobile marketing a success.

Text messages work best for mobile marketing because they can alert customers to sales, specials or offers such as free inspections — all without having to wait for your audience to check their email, or to take a chance on your email being buried beneath a virtual stack of other marketing messages awaiting customers’ return to their inboxes.

Be snappy with the language you use without sounding too sales-y. Find a way for each person receiving the message to feel as though the message is meant specifically for him or her. But don’t forget to be clear about what it is you’re offering: Don’t rely on the customer to contact you “for more details.”

Integrate for optimal effectiveness
Mobile marketing can’t do all the heavy lifting. Make it a part of your company’s overall marketing plan, along with email, direct mail and other forms of advertising. Track the results you get from each channel of communication, and fine-tune that channel. This is not to say you should cut free your other forms of communicating with customers. But if your mobile marketing has proven effective, find ways to make
it more effective.

Make it worth their time
What are you sending to your customers, anyway? Reminders about special package offers or price reductions on inspections are great, but it’s always helpful to make your audience feel special for opting in, such as:

value codes only opt-ins receive, for a pilot program for a new service, for example;

a platinum rewards program that gives these customers something extra for their repeat business or a recommendation; and/or

a thanks for their patronage, with valuable discounts that won’t break you.

Above all, never let your audience forget that they’re valued customers. For more tips about mobile marketing, see Part 2 in our June issue.

You can reach Will Nepper at or 216-706-3775.


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